Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Uh Oh! Another bump in the road . . .

Sarah was speaking with her Liquor License lawyer about selling the store by Nov 15th.  He said that if it was going to be sold by then she would have to be in contract right now.  So it's looking like we may have bought those tickets a little prematurely.  If you know anyone who is interested in a Liquor Store let us know!  Below is the link to the broker selling it.  As of right now this is the only thing holding us back.  I'm thinking I should get a full time job now rather than taking odd jobs.  But I don't want to get hooked into something that will keep us from pursuing our dream.  I know this is another a bump in the road.  I just don't want the months to start rolling by and before we know it we've never left and never will.  One of our primary goals was to avoid the freezing air of winter.  If we can make it out by January we can consider that a success.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Now or Never

We've got our tickets! We're leaving early in the morning November 15th on jet Blue Airways!

We still haven't sold any of our stuff, saved enough money or figured out what we're doing down there.  Sarah hasn't sold her liquor store either.  But maybe the pressure will motivate us.  Seven weeks and counting!

Selling stuff on Craigslist is the worst.  Everyone who wants my grill either flakes or is a prince from Nigeria who wants to pay 5 times what I'm asking for, but needs me to ship my fancy American grill to Nigeria before he can pay me.  Aaaah! It drives me crazy!

"Where are we going?"  "I don't know but we're on our way!" - Poqueno Rascals

Monday, September 20, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Which drops are we? Which drops are you? Are we the same drops?

“That’s you, drops of water, and you’re on top of the mountain, a success, but one day you start sliding down the mountain and you think, ‘Wait a minute, I’m a mountaintop water drop, I don’t belong in this valley. This river, this low dark ocean with all these drops of water.’ ”

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sarah Gets To Keep The Leg

After much convincing the doctor finally agreed not to cut Sarah's leg off at the knee.  Instead he cut off the cast and let her poor little footsie finally breathe. The prognoses is good, for the most part.  She has to keep her monster boot on, but take it off every once in a while to do some stretches.  It still hurts her like hell and  is still swollen, but she can put a little weight on it.  Now she's down to 1 crutch.  Pretty soon, none!  I believe walking in sand is the best Physical Therapy, so I think we should head down to PR ASAP!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We officially bought our plane tickets, one way of course.  We are flying out November 15th at 6am.  Everyday that we get closer to closer and to our departure date the more intense this feeling of excitement becomes, but it's full of tinges of nerves.  Tomorrow Sarah gets her cast off her foot,  she broke it stepping off a curb.  Broke three bones. She says it stills hurts her and we're just praying she won't need surgery.  But we're also really excited to see how pale her leg is!  Everyday passes faster than the last and we keep reminding each other that we need to get this and that done before we go.  Sarah's liquor store needs to sell.  She can't leave it behind.  Everyday that passes and there are no bites on the store it just makes us a little more nervous.  But, as long as we have a positive attitude everything should work out.  Right?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

House Survives!

Hurricane skims Puerto Rico.  Leaving Casa de Rijos safe and sound.  We have received word that our potential home is in good condition.  Besides heavy rainfall and some down trees, it's been nothing Puerto Rico can't handle.  The smaller purple blob to the left of the big purple blob is where we'll be living.