Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We officially bought our plane tickets, one way of course.  We are flying out November 15th at 6am.  Everyday that we get closer to closer and to our departure date the more intense this feeling of excitement becomes, but it's full of tinges of nerves.  Tomorrow Sarah gets her cast off her foot,  she broke it stepping off a curb.  Broke three bones. She says it stills hurts her and we're just praying she won't need surgery.  But we're also really excited to see how pale her leg is!  Everyday passes faster than the last and we keep reminding each other that we need to get this and that done before we go.  Sarah's liquor store needs to sell.  She can't leave it behind.  Everyday that passes and there are no bites on the store it just makes us a little more nervous.  But, as long as we have a positive attitude everything should work out.  Right?

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