Thursday, September 16, 2010

Which drops are we? Which drops are you? Are we the same drops?

“That’s you, drops of water, and you’re on top of the mountain, a success, but one day you start sliding down the mountain and you think, ‘Wait a minute, I’m a mountaintop water drop, I don’t belong in this valley. This river, this low dark ocean with all these drops of water.’ ”

1 comment:

  1. The mountain top raindrop supplies sustenance to the forest. Water always finds the easiest path. A pirates destiny is always the ocean. Rich with success for centuries pirates ruled the world. The three things you will need to sustain your pirateabilities are: 1. A parrot named "Polly". 2. An eye-patch. 3. A blunderbuss 4. A three cornered hat 6. A knife 7. And finally, Sunscreen.
    You will never be lost at sea when you are with one heart.
